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viernes, 16 de agosto de 2024

The Great Lie of the Tahuantinsuyo


The Great Lie of Tahuantinsuyo


By Germánico Vaca

The historical account of South America, particularly regarding the Inca Empire, is often portrayed through the lens of Spanish colonial ambitions and the subsequent historical narratives shaped by European interests and by the most treasonous tribe in America, "the Incas" who helped the Spaniards conquer all other tribes, creating a supposed empire. The historical account is rife with inconsistencies, distortions, lies and deliberate omissions. Here are key points to consider:

  1. Historical Narrative and Spanish Influence:

    • The prevailing historical narrative of South America has been significantly influenced by Spanish colonizers and their needs. The lack of a "written language" among indigenous peoples, a narrative often used to justify the erasure of their histories, is questionable. There is a belief that valuable records and Codices were destroyed, and dissenters were silenced.
  2. Understanding "Real History":

    • The term "real history" as defined by Spanish royalty (historia real) reflects a narrative tailored to their interests, diverging from the true historical events. The invention of the Tahuantinsuyo (the Inca Empire) happened in 1529, two years before the actual conquest even started and it must be viewed as a construction by the Spaniards, rather than an authentic historical entity.
  3. Language and Historical Misconceptions:

    • The language is key to understanding if the whole narrative is false.  Quechua was not the language of the Incas. Instead, the fact is that the Inca spoke Puquina, a dialect of the Aymaras. The argument that Puquina was the language of the royalty is beyond absurd. Just as an example the Moors controlled Spain for 780 years and the kingdoms of Spain did not speak Moorish, araba or any other language, so the idea that the Incas were so sophisticated that they could make up another language for the masses and their servants spoke Kiwa, Kichua, Kichwa and Quechua, is beyond ridiculous. The fact is that there was a confederation of tribes that spoke those dialects of Kichua which was spoken by the Quitus-Kitus, and all those tribes belonging to a confederation of tribes that spoke the dialects derived from the KIWA. But the whole narrative will be destroyed if all cities are realized in those languages. So, there could not be an empire, for the cities are not in the Inca language. The persistence of the Quechua narrative must be viewed as part of a broader historical distortion. 
  4. Inconsistencies in Historical Accounts:

    • Historical records that suggest the Incas worshiped Viracocha (Wiracocha) in Quechua are problematic if Puquina was their actual language. The use of Quipus (Kipo) for accounting and the name of the Chasquis (messengers) are interpreted as evidence of historical misrepresentation. The term "Quisquix" is suggested to be closer to the original language and culture of the Kitus. The key is also their calendar. The Skhyris calendar was built right there is Sagsa-awan. No Inca king ever knew what it meant. Except for Atahualpa. 
  5. Alternative Historical Perspectives:

    • The argument proposes that true history involves a confederation of tribes (Shyris=Scyris-Kitus) who had their language spread across different regions. The idea is that the Inca Empire, as commonly understood, might be a misrepresentation of a more complex historical reality.
  6. Personal Accounts and Historical Revelation:

    • The narrative also incorporates personal accounts, such as those shared by Carmen Atabalipa, a descendant of Atahualpa. These stories are presented as revealing the "real story" behind South American history, challenging established academic interpretations.

Conclusion: The historical accounts of South America, particularly regarding the Inca Empire, are flawed due to colonial influences and misinterpretations. There is a call to reevaluate these narratives, considering alternative perspectives and evidence that might offer a more accurate depiction of historical events and cultural realities.

As an exclusive I am publishing for the first time the calendar of the Shyris and how it worked. They used to fill it up with water.

The story of South America for the most part is a false story product of the ambitions of those involved and the Spanish kings' needs. Unfortunately, while the true story is often told from generation to generation those are dismissed and ignored. Not enough research has been done, and as we can see from the beginning it was riddled with inconsistencies, made-up narratives, and outright falsehoods. The Spaniards had the advantage that there was no "written language" or at least that is the narrative. I believe they burned all the Codexis" and killed anyone who opposed them.

First, it must be understood that "real history=historia real" means the history according to "the royalty of Spain" and what they wanted it to be known. But this was different from the true story. Therefore, to understand true history we must understand what transpired and what really happened to invent the Tahuantinsuyo. The Spaniards made it up. 

The tragedy is that Oxford, Harvard, and Yale continue publishing and teaching absurd lies such as "Quechua was the language of the Incas" THAT IS A LIE, it may sound crazy to say it, but it seems as if the "elite" (Enlilites) always try to erase all traces of the ENKI clan. Indeed, you will see what I mean if you read to the end. In any case, the "language" unravels the whole lie of an Inca Kingdom or much less an empire. Kichua was the language of the Quitus=Kitus, which is not debatable or should be argued, that is FACT. It never was the language of the Incas; indeed, Atahualpa was the son of Kilago or Quilago, a KITUS princess and hence, it was the language of Atahualpa. Tribe after tribe from the south of Colombia to Chile speak mostly Quichua, and other seventy languages, and not one speaks PUQUINA, the language of the Incas' is a dead language. Understanding how all those tribes adopted the language is the key to understanding the true history of South America, otherwise, it makes no sense whatsoever. Just by comparison the Roman empire left its legacy of Latin and the languages that derived from Latin such as Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Catalan, Venezian, Romanian, Lobardo, Sicialino and Esperanto. In South America most tribes speak dialects of the KICHUA. But despite the existence of all these tribes and the clear evidence, they continue to push the false history of the treasonous tribe. Careful analysis of the facts and the discovery of cities that were erased from the map, and the fact that all the cities are in Quichua should awaken even the stupidest person, but old narratives persist, even though the whole "Inca Empire" makes no sense whatsoever. 

Let us explain more about why is so important the "language". If the Inca language was a dialect of Aymara, a now-dead language called Puquina. Does it make sense? The false narratives tell us that the Inca adored "Viracocha=Wiracocha, but that creates another problem. Wiracocha is also in Kichua, which means "White man of the Lake" But that is a name that is Kichua and Quechua languages means the same. How can we understand that the PUQUINA speaking tribe of the Incas adored the Kitus God?. So, are we to believe that the Inca empire of South America adored a God that has its name in Quichua, a language that they did not even know or use until Atahualpa the son of a Quito princess became King of the Incas. They tell us that the Incas had an accounting system based on the Quipo (KIPO). Again in Sumerian means numbers in knots. They tell us that the mail and communication system was carried out by the Chasquies,  but the Spaniards changed that from the original name in Quichua which was Kiskiex-Quisquiex, "messengers of the Kitus" again the QUIto reference. Because the entire road system was created by the confederation of tribes Shyris. It was never INCA. It was Kitus, In Sumerian means "the place of dwelling of Dweller of the place" It was the Kitus, who had their language disseminated through all the other kingdoms and so the languages were known as Kiwa, Kichwa, and Kichua. Because for centuries they had created a confederation of tribes that cooperated through peaceful means.

To be able to understand what happens we have to understand how it happened. 

What I am going to tell you is as clearly as I remember the spoken story given to me the day my grandmother Carmen Atabalipa, the last living descendant of Atahualpa, this is what she told me the real story was. I have added references to clay tablet translations that back up completely what my grandmother told me in 1970. 

The Scyri (Shyri) Kingdom

The Shyri Kingdom was established a long time ago, it was Scyri not Shyri, the spaniards changed it. It was a matriarcal society established by the great mother "Awan". Most people of South America carry her genes, Awan was the third daughter of Adapa and Titi, Awan in the language of Eridu meant "princess" and she was the first human granddaughter of the wise sage Enki, as the younger sister and wife of Kain she was exiled together with Kain when he had killed their brother Abael in a jealous rage. 

Awan and Kain had been brought in a chariot by Ninurta, to live in a valley between El Chimborazo and El Cotopaxi. They called the place "La Mana" which meant place of Harvest" The purest water on Earth was found inside a cave. It was there that Kain and Awan lived and she had twelve children. Each daughter and each son became the kings and queens of the tribes of South America. But an Ice age was coming, and they had decided to go further North, that is why they settled in Imbabura. The twelve children of Awan first created the tribes of Kitus, Kayambies, Karaenkies, Atumtakies, Kotacachies, Imbayas, Kahuaskies, Wancavilcas, Natabuelas, Awochawas, Kochaskies y Waoranies. She taught each a different skill, the sons learned with their father Kain, the daughters were taught ceramics, weaving, and textiles, embroidery, and hat making as you can see how I make hats (indeed my grandmother used to make most amazing hats with either cabuya or seed straws).  Two tribes had become the strongest. The Kitus and the Karaenkies. The Kochaskies created the Kieskiex, which was like the runners who carried all the messengers and the important things between the tribes. The tribe of the Kitus had followed the teachings and had created a unique and very well-advanced civilization based on a confederation of tribes who made contributions to the main Kingdom. They were the organizers and the Kacha was the ruler. In reality, it was all based on blood relations. (remember this story was told to me when I was seven years old, long before I had read anything about the Anunnaki in the year 1970) According to her, Kain and Awan lived for two hundred years. Kain lived tormented for killing his brother, and fearing that her children could do the same, Awan taught them to live in brotherhood, so each had to share and barter what they had. They took care of each other and for their defense they contributed some sons that created a tribe of the defenders. When Kain was close to 200 years old Ninurta had come to tell them her father Adapa was dying, Kain and Awan had taken all her children to Eridu. There they had seen what the Garden of Eden looked like, for that was the city where Awan and Kain gran grown up. There they met their grandfather Enki and their grandmother Damkina Ninki which Awan loved and respected as her mother. Enki later had come to see what they had created and a liking to Kali he had taken, Enki had taught him many things, and after that, Kali created the tribe of Karaenkies, which means followers of Enki. re had been a flood, and the survivors were in the mountains. Later the flood came, and the survivors were only those that had fled to the mountains. Everything was buried under the sand, mud, and silt. They had to start all over. Kain and Awan had died in the flood. 

The original people have been descendants of Kain and Awan. Kain had been exiled to the mountainland of America, and his children had created the first tribes all along the mountains and as they kept extending, they had created roads to barter among each other. After the flood the survivors were slaved by Ninurta. He had found gold. a great number of survivors of the Nephlim, sons of the Igigi, and women had been brought to build the port bases for the chariots to carry the gold. All the Nazca Valley, Paracas, and the Wancavilicas regions had been flooded by them. The gentiles, sons of the demons were called. Great powers they had, and very smart they were. Ninurta and the Anunnaki which in Kichua we called them Yukai, the white men with great power, white men who came in large celestial ships, some new people were brought next to the sacred Lake Titicaca and the city of Titiawan, But the Kitus and Karaenkies had kept their freedom and their customs by staying to the north, many tribes had been created and cities had spread down the Amazon River, the Great river. Eventually, they created a sophisticated system with all the brotherhood tribes, all those that spoke the languages that had come from the main language Kiwa. Each tribe was to specialize in something to increase the output of production and collaboration among themselves and develop a bartering system that would be fair to everyone. There were contributions of all the tribes for times of hardship every seven years due to the weather changes which now we know as "el niño effect" Under the Scyris each tribe developed in all fields, and collaboration among tribes, and created the most sophisticated road system among all the tribes that adopted and spoke similar languages of the Kitus. Kiwa, Kichua, Quechua, and Quichua were spoken. The Quisquiex=Kiskiex=Chasquies were fast runners that daily they carry communications among all the tribes. But it achieved collaboration with each other and among all the tribes, and in some cases tribes that even though they did not speak any of those languages could barter with them such as the Chibcha, Tsafiki and Cayapo speaking tribes. They kept their cultural identity but could collaborate with each other. There were regions of independent tribes, especially in the Amazon regions and they were left for the most part alone and most warrior tribes lived in their own way such as the Huaoranies, Achuar, Shuar, and others. Great development happened in several cities that even now are hidden. There are five cities in the territories of the Cofanes to the Llanganati. There was a whole empire of the Quixos, There was a great Kingdom of the LLanganaties, the tallest and the direct descendants of Kain and Awan, and there are two cities hidden in the Morona Santiago region. There are many more in the jungles of Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay, dedicated to a certain specific task. All can be found and will prove the truth of my words, she said. Some tribes specialized in textiles, some in gold, some were specifically farmers, others were shepherds, others were the builders of structures and houses, and they helped in the development of great structures flourished and achieved the building of great cities such as Ollaytambo- Ullac-tayta-ampu (meaning understanding-father-give sentence) Urubamba (a city dedicated to metals and gold production)   they used the Kipos to make accounting, and they used the Quisquiex=Chaskies. Their cities were called Kitu, Karaenki, Urkuki, Atuntaki, Kayambi, Ullaytambo and they recognized old cities that they never built but were Pre diluvian cities such as Cuzco and Puma Punku. There were tribes from very old ancestors such as the Gentile tribes, were tribes of the descendants of the fallen angels, the nephilim of the Bible, those were the Huancavilcas, the Huaytara, the Huancavilicas, the Paracas, and the Cahuachi of Nazca, and Tiwanaco =Titi+Awan) a city named in honor of the mother of Kain and the wife of Kain and the first daughter of Titi, daughter of Adapa. Other tribes were dedicated to the protection of all the others and those were part of the Quitus=kitus and Atuntaquies=Atumtakis and Imbayas.  On the Map of Verdano Monte created and used for the treaty of the Planisphere in 1567 to 1589 there are several cities called Quito, the province of Quito, the city of Quito, the city of San Francisco de Quito, the city of Cuquito, which means son of Quito, and Iquito and Quico and Quixos. 

The most important fact. Around the year 1450 a warrior and belligerent Aymara tribe that spoke Puquina, a dialect of the Aymaras, claimed direct lineage of Kain, so they called themselves INKA, Kain backward. They started conquering small tribes outside the Aymara regions, they had adopted the same rule of the past, that to keep the purity of the blood, to be pure they were to marry their own sister.  Pachakutik had defeated the Cañari tribe, and their regions were absorbed by using deceit. The son of Pachakutik,  Tupac Yupanqui had married the Cañari princess, from this marriage, Huayna Capac was born, and he was left as the new Emperor. Huayna Capac was a ruthless killer. Ke had invited his entire family, all his brothers and sisters to celebrate and then he poisoned all the males and left only those sisters that would obey him. Later he had put his sight on conquering the territories and cities of the Quitus. Years of war had not been able to achieve that, but eventually, he had done exactly what his father had done, so he married the princess of the Quitus around the year 1500. From that union Atahualpa was born. By the year 1531 Atahualpa became the new New King of the Quitus and the Incas. When the Spaniards arrived, the Inca took advantage of the situation and became the allies of the Spaniards to dismantle the Scyri empire. That combined with the ambition of Pizarro conspired to create a false empire. Today we are flooded with constant reference that the great buildings such as Ollaytambo/ Ullataytaampu; Sachsahuayman/ Sagsagama, Cuzco, and Machupicchu and they all claimed that those cities are examples of the great advances of the Inca civilization. But here is the problem. All those cities have names in the language of the Quitus. Even more problematic is the fact that despite giving credit and repeating over and over that the Incas knew how to build such formidable monuments, as a matter of fact, the temple of Santo Domingo was built on top of Coricancha, but such a name means storage of gold in the language of the Quitus.  So, they have tried to make and lie that Quichua was the language of the Inca. So they have erased all the other tribes of the Moche, Huaytara, Chavin, Chachapoyas, Quitus, Cañari etc. I am here to tell you that was not so. I am a direct descendant of Atahualpa. I was told the story by my grandmother and I did not want to believe, and my whole life wanted to forget about the story and did not care for anything she had told me. But I can no longer remain silent. 

It is precisely that such a building is the best proof anyone can ask for. Atahualpa gave the order to never provide the secret of the building to the invaders, and so the Incas became allies of the Spanish invaders to defeat the Emperor of the Quitus Atahualpa. But they never knew how to build the way they had done before. There is not one single building by the Incas built after 1532 the way the Quitus and the tribes allies of the Quitus had done until then and had done before. In fact, according to my grandmother that was knowledge of the Chachapoyas and the Huaytara tribes. The Chavin have also been great builders. To Punish the Quito tribe, they were sent to the north where back then it was called Quico. They founded there the new city of Quito. The real Quito and the Scyri were dismantled and destroyed, and a completely false story were created to explain the cities. Of course, that way they could carry the lie. But nothing makes sense. There could not have been an empire that did not speak their language. The empire of the Incas was made up, and invented. 

 The Empire and the Inca Empire were created in a document created in Spain in 1529 when Pizarro did not "really" begin the conquest until 1531. It was not until April 1531 that Pizarro confronted the natives of the island of Puna, now Ecuador.  But there are serious problems here as well if we review old maps, they show a very different geography and very different coastline than today. So, what we assume happened on the island of Puna may have happened on an island near Chile. Here I will show that everything was invented. All the great tribes of South America were stolen from their history, and it is time to rescue them. If we stick with this absurd invented tale, all the truth and culture of all those tribes will die under an absurd tale of an invented empire that did not exist. Beyond the fact that there was the domination of an incestuous tribe such as the tribe of the so-called Inca, who were actually called INGI.

At the time of the conquest of South America, it must be understood that the Treaty of Tordesillas (Portuguese: Treaty of Tordesillas) had an enormous influence on what really transpired and was largely the inspiration for inventing the false and acclaimed Empire of Tahuantinsuyo. This treaty was a Commitment between European kings to avoid military confrontations between the kingdoms of Europe, it was signed in the Castilian town of Tordesillas on 7 June 1494 between the representatives of Isabella and Ferdinand, kings of Castile and of Aragon, on the one hand, and those of King John II of Portugal, on the other. The treaty established a division of the areas of navigation and conquest of the Atlantic Ocean and the New World (America) by a line situated 370 leagues to the of Cape Verde Islands, to avoid a conflict of interest between the crowns of Spain, Portugal and the other European kingdoms. In practice, this agreement guaranteed the Portuguese kingdom and the other Europeans that Spain did not interfere with their routes to the Cape of Good Hope, and vice versa: the former would not do so in the recently discovered Antilles. Under this agreement, war could be avoided between Europeans, and they could concentrate on slaving the natives and robbing the resources. It had been agreed that as long as large tribes or indigenous empires were found in these territories, they would be respected. Therefore, it was in the interest of Spain to claim that they had found a huge empire for the other European countries not to intervene and therefore the assumption was created, the Spaniards invented Tahuantinsuyo. But if we analyze reality, this empire never existed. The evidence is overwhelming throughout South America. The very existence of so many tribes that even 500 years after the Spanish conquest still preserve their tongues and their customs and in over seventy languages of the tribes of South America the word Inca does not exist to name a few that never even had contact with the supposed Inca tribe we have the Achuar, Shuar, Tsachilas in Ecuador. It is too long to name so many tribes that exist from Chile to Colombia. But let's analyze the background.

The first anecdote of Cristóbal Vaca de Castro gives us an indication. When Vaca de Castro was sent in 1540 by the King Charles of Spain to settle accounts with the Pizarros, and this will explain later, in the second part. But when he arrived in Popayán, Vaca de Castro was received by Sebastián de Benalcázar (also known as Belalcázar and as Moyano y Cabrera), Benalcázar was the founder of the present-day cities of Quito, Cali, Pasto, and Popayán. Vaca de Castro was of Jewish descent, and he had a very broad linguistic knowledge having been educated in several languages that included Hebrew Aramaic, Greek, and Latin, and had knowledge of French, English, and Catalan. When Benalcázar was giving him an account and took him to visit the territories in his charge, and indeed the cities he had founded. Vaca de Castro had asked him "Why do you keep calling them Inka (as originally referred to those who later invented us were the Incas) when very clearly all these people are different tribes, different customs, and languages? And it is that between Popayán (currently in Colombia) Cali, Pasto, and Quito, the city that was really called Quico at that time, the real Quito was kept secret by the Indigenous tribes and was elsewhere (the current Quito is where Quico used to be, and now the capital of Ecuador) there were several tribes among them: Chibchas, (Chibchen language) Salchallillas (speak a language related to Zapotecs) , Cayapas (Cayapo language) , Imbayas (language Kichwa), Atuntaquies (a mixture of Kichwa and Quichua), Natabuelas (mixed language, Cayapo and northern Quichua), Otavalos (Runa Shimi dialect between Puquina Cañari and Quechua) Caranquies (Cara Kichwa language), Quitos (languages and dialects Kiwa and Quichua) Cayambes (Goraymi/Kichwa language), Tsachilas (Tsafiki language) Para Vaca de Castro it was then impossible to make sense of an empire called "Inka/Inca" when none of the tribes spoke the language of the supposed Empire. Nobody would understand such an anomaly. NONE of the tribes between Popayán and present-day Quito spoke even remotely the Inca language. In Peru most tribes speak Quechua, none speak PUQUINA, which is the language of the Incas, and never was Quichua or Quechua as so many books in the English language lie. Nor did any tribes have customs similar to the Incas who spoke Puquina, except for the tribe of Otavalo who spoke a Language mixed with Puquina Cañari and Quechua. And to this day these tribes continue to speak their different dialects and to their own different languages. It should be noted that these tribes look quite different. For example, the tribe of the Cayapas that live in the province of Esmeraldas

used to live naked back then, and were never under the so-called Inca rule. They speak their own language and physically they have more similarities to the Olmec than any other South American tribe, and I mean very dark skin and wide noses, they cannot be compared either in physique or skin color to the redskins of the Tsáchilas, despite being so close, the one tribe in Esmeraldas and Imbabura and the other tribe next to the Province of Pichincha. Some are dark-skinned, many lived almost naked back then, and others have intricate clothing to withstand the temperatures of the mountains. Others have red skin like the Tsachillas, others have skin pretty light skin. But even more curiously, none of these languages and dialects had the word INCA or INGI. Benalcázar's response gives us the guideline of what really happened. Benalcázar replies to Vaca de Castro. "Those are the orders of Pizarro, every tribe that we find we must call it Ingi" Faced with this, Vaca de Castro decides to create the city of Quito and decrees the creation of
 the Royal Audience of Quito.

It was then that Vaca de Castro realized that Pizarro, Luque and Almagro driven by ambition and to hold steadfast to the governorship given by the Portuguese queen to Pizarro, kept making up a nonexistent empire. It was being created. Inventing the supposed "Tahuantinsuyo" as a result of three reasons. None of which had to do with the existence of an empire. The three reasons were:

1.- The Treaty of Tordesillas and therefore in the interest of the King of Spain to claim that there was a native empire.

2.- The appointment of Isabella of Portugal granting Pizarro the governorship of the "Tahuantinsuyo") a territory created imaginarily before they have even set foot in the territory then called Biru, later known as Peru.

3.- The investment between the partnership created between the Catholic Church by Luque, who represented the interests of the pope, and Almagro and Pizarro.

Although for Treaty of Tordesillas is known as the boundary convention in the Atlantic Ocean, signed in 1494, another treaty was also signed in Tordesillas which demarcated the fisheries of the sea between Cape Boujdour and the Rio de Oro, and the limits of the Kingdom of Fez in North Africa. Charles V was the king of Spain when the conquest of Peru was carried out. Charles V (who curiously seems to be the living portrait of the technical director Luis Enrique) was the son of Philip I the handsome, king of Castile, and of Juana la Loca. His paternal grandparents were the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Maximilian I and Mary, Duchess of Burgundy, and his maternal grandparents were Isabella of Castile I and Ferdinand I Aragon, kings Roman Catholics of Spain. After his father's death in 1506, Charles hardly he was 12 years old and was raised by his paternal aunt Margaret of Austria, regent of the Netherlands. His spiritual guide was the theologian Hadrian of Utrecht (later Pope Adrian VI), a member of the devotio moderna, a movement of religious and educational reform that promoted literacy among the People.

It is important to understand the context in which Charles V reigned and why the things that are sold to us as “history” happened and are a real insult to our intelligence. In 1515, Charles came of age as Duke of Burgundy and assumed the government of the Netherlands. His sphere of activities soon expanded. On January 23, 1516, Ferdinand II died. As a result, the problem of succession in Spain became more acute, since, according to the terms of Ferdinand’s will, Charles was to rule in Aragon and Castile together with his mother (who, however, suffered from a nervous illness and never reigned). In addition, the will provided that Francisco, Cardinal Jiménez de Cisneros, who was the archbishop of Toledo and one of Ferdinand and Isabella’s most influential advisors, was to lead the administration in Castile. However, Ferdinand's Spanish opponents who had fled to Brussels succeeded in having the will annulled, and on 14 March 1516 Charles was proclaimed king in Brussels as Charles I of Aragon and Castile. In September 1517 he arrived in Spain, a country with whose customs he was unfamiliar and whose language he could barely speak. There he established, under Burgundian influence, a government that was little more than a foreign government. When he was elected king of Germany in 1519 (succeeding his grandfather, Emperor Maximilian I), after a two-and-a-half-year stay in Spain, Charles left behind him a dissatisfied and restless people. Hadrian, whom he had appointed regent, was not strong enough to suppress the revolt of the Castilian commoners that broke out at that time. Charles's supporters, taking advantage of their candidate's German ancestry and buying German electoral votes (mostly with money supplied by the powerful Fugger banking family), had succeeded in having him elected emperor over his powerful rival, Francis I of France. By October 1520 Charles was crowned King of Germany in Aachen, assuming at the same time the title of elected Roman Emperor. In the spring of 1521 the Imperial Diet met in Worms, before which Martin Luther had to defend his theses. The emergence of the religious reformer put enormous pressure on Charles from the papacy in Rome. This represented a first challenge for Charles, which began with a broad invocation of his Roman Catholic ancestors, read out at the Diet. After Luther refused to retract the essence of his writings and left the Diet, Charles drew up the Edict of Worms. With it, he rejected Luther's doctrines and, in essence, declared war on Protestantism.

By 1521 Charles was under the demands of the papacy and being also king of Germany was in several wars against his enemies in Italy and France. The result was that he needed money and the way to get it was to squeeze everything he could get out of the territories that Spain had dominion over. It was this need that made Isabella of Portugal, in the absence of Charles who was trying to avoid war with the Ottoman Empire and an invasion of the Hamburgs, of which she was a part, grant enormous powers to Pizarro as governor of a “supposed Empire.” In other words, the acclaimed Empire of Tahuantinsuyu was invented by a Spanish swindler who was granted the governorship of such a vast territory two years before the exploration of the territory even began. It is therefore extremely important to cite Spain’s declaration of war on the supposed imaginary kingdom of Tahuantinsuyu. To appreciate very clearly what happened we must read the document signed by Isabella of Portugal in 1529, years before the confrontation with Atahualpa. In fact, years before the “conquest of the supposed Inca empire” had begun, here is the text and the full proof that the whole so-called Inca kingdom and the Tahuantinsuyu are a lie. We are talking about a Portuguese queen (born and raised in Portugal) who was in charge of the Spanish crown by marriage and kinship, granted herself powers over a territory under which she had no right. Under this document, which is so absurd that it is as if it came out of a comedy of fools. She grants governor rights to a pig farmer over vast and extensive territories that the pig farmer had not even seen except his ship sailing from the island of Gallo to another island. And yet today, people repeat the false story, amazed by monuments that supposedly were built by the Incas. They were not. You can resume 13,800 years of history to a family and four generations of that family. Although not even the language of the so-called Incas exists, the Puquina lords is a dead language. As a matter of fact, the construction of buildings in Puma Punku and Tiwanaco hav nothing to do with the way of building of other tribes. It should not be even compared with Ollaytambo that is also different from Machu Picchu and Cuzco, and is different from Ingapirca. Much less than the structures in Valle Upano or the Humminbird Pyramid or la Mana. Different tribes, different cultures, and different languages all erased under a made-up empire by the ambition of a Pig farmer Francisco Pizarro.

The documents says: Preamble:


     La Reina. Por quanto vos el capitán Francisco Piçarro, vezino de Castilla del Oro, por vos y en nombre del venerable padre don Hernando de Luque, maestrescuela e provisor de la Iglesia del Darién sede vacante, que es en la dicha Castilla del Oro, e del capitán Diego de Almagro, vezino de la cibdad de Panamá, nos hizistes relación, que vos e los dichos vuestros compañeros, con desseo de nos servir e del bien e acrescentamiento de nuestra Corona real, puede aver cinco años, poco mas o menos, que con licencia e paresçer de Pedrarias Dávila, nuestro governador e capitán general que fué de la dicha Tierra Firme, tomastes cargo de ir a conquistar, descobrir e paçificar e poblar por la costa de la mar del Sur de la dicha Tierra, a la parte de levante, a vuestra costa e de los dichos vuestros compañeros, todo lo que mas por aquella parte pudiéredes, e fizistes para ello dos navíos e un vergantín en la dicha costa; e que ansi en esto (por se aver de pasar la jarçia e aparejos nesçesarios al dicho viaje e armada desde el Nombre de Dios, que es la costa del norte, a la otra costa del sur) como con la gente e otras cosas nescesarias al dicho viaje, e en tornar a rehazer la dicha armada, gastasteis mucha suma de pesos de oro; e fuístes a hazer, e hizistes, el dicho descobrimiento, donde pasastes muchos peligros e trabajos, a cabsa de lo qual vos dexó toda la gente que con vos iva en una isla despoblada, con sólo treze enbres que no vos quisieron dexar, e que con ellos y con el socorro que de navíos e gente vos hizo el dicho capitán Diego de Almagro partistes de la dicha isla y descubristes las tierras e provinçias del Perú e cibdad de Túmbez; en que aveis gastado, vos e los dichos vuestros compañeros, mas de treinta mill pesos de oro. E que con el deseo que teneis de nos servir. querríades continuar la dicha conquista e población a vuestra costa e misión, sin que en ningund tiempo seamos obligados a vos pagar ni satisfazer los gastos que en ello fiziéredes, más de lo que en esta capitulación vos fuere otorgado. E me suplicastes e pedistes por merced vos mandase encomendar la conquista de las dichas tierras, e vos concediese e otorgase las mercedes, y con las condiciones que de suso serán contenidas. Sobre lo qual Yo mandé tomar con vos el asiento e capitulación siguiente:


     1. Primeramente, doy licencia e facultad a vos, el dicho capitán Francisco Piçarro, para que por Nos, en nuestro nombre e de la Corona real de Castilla, podais continuar el dicho descobrimiento, conquista e población de la dicha provincia del Perú, fasta dozientas leguas de tierra por la misma costa. Las quales dichas dozientas leguas comiençan desde el pueblo que en lengua de indios se dize Teninpulla y después le llamastes Santiago, fasta llegar al pueblo de Chincha, que puede aver las dichas dozientas leguas de costa poco más o menos.


     2. Iten, entendiendo ser complidero al serviçio de Dios e nuestro, e por onrrar vuestra persona e por vos favorescer, prometemos de vos fazer nuestro govennador e capitán general de toda la dicha provincia del Perú e tierras e pueblos que al presente ay e adelante oviere en todas las dichas dozientas leguas, por todos los días de vuestra vida, con salario de setecientas y veinte y cinco mili maravedís cada un año, contados desde el día que vos hiziéredes a la vela destos nuestros Reinos para continuar la dicha poblaçión y conquista, los quales vos han de ser pagados de las rentas e derechos a Nos pertenesçientes en la dicha tierra que ansí aveis de poblar. Del qual salario aveis de pagar, en cada un año, un alcalde mayor e diez escuderos e treinta peones e un médico e un boticario. El qual salario vos ha de ser pagado pon los oficiales de la dicha tierna.


     3. Otrosí, vos fazemos merced de título de nuestro adelantado de la dicha provinçia del Perú, e asimismo del oficio de alguazil mayor de ella, todo ello por los días de vuestra vida.


     4. Otrosí, vos doy licencia para que, con paresçer e acuerdo de los dichos nuestros oficiales, podais fazer en las dichas tierras e provincias del Perú hasta quatro fortalezas, en las partes e lugares que mas convenga, pareciendo a vos e a los dichos nuestros ofiçiales son nesçesarias para guarda y pacificación de la dicha tierra. E vos faré merced de la tenencia dellas, para vos e para dos herederos e subçesores vuestros, uno en pos de otro, con salario de setenta y cinco mill maravedís en cada un año, por cada una de las dichas fortalezas que así estovieren fechas. Las quales aveis de fazer a vuestra costa, sin que Nos ni los reyes que después de Nos vinieren seamos obligados a vos lo pagar al tiempo que así lo gastásedes. salvo dende en cinco años después de acabada la fortaleza, pagándoos en cada uno de los dichos cinco años la quinta parte de lo que se montare el dicho gasto, de los frutos de la dicha tierra.


     5. Otrosí, vos fazemos merced para ayuda a vuestra costa, de mill ducados en cada un año, por todos los días de vuestra vida, de las rentas de la dicha tierra.


6. Others, it is our worship, abiding by the good life and doctrine of the person of the said Don Hernando de Luque, of the present our most holy Father as bishop of the city of Túmbez, which is in the said province and government of Peru, with the limits of the diocese that by Us, with apostolic abtority, they will be pointed out to him. And in the meantime the Bulls of the said bishopric are coming, let us make him universal protector of all the Indians of the said province, with a salary of one thousand ducats in each year, paid from our rents of the said land, until we are ecclesiastical that can be paid.


7. Otrosí, por quanto nos aviades begged, by you and in the said name, you fizie by the mercy of some vassals in the said lands, and at present we will leave it to fazer because we do not have an entire relation of them, it is our worship that, as long as we are informed, we provide in This is what is at our service and for the amendment and satisfaction of your work and services it is convenient, you have the twentieth part of all the breasts that We We shall have in each year in the said land, as long as it does not exceed a thousand and five hundred ducats: the mill for you the said captain Piçarro, and the five hundred for the said Diego de Almagro.


8. Others, let us do favor to the said captain Diego de Almagro of the possession of the fortress that ay <u> oviere in the said city of Túmbez, which is in the said province of Peru, with a salary of one hundred thousand maravedis each year, with more than two thousand maravedis in each one year of aid of cost all paid of the said rents of the said land, of which he must enjoy from the day that the said Françisco Piçarro arrive at the said land, even if the said Captain Almagro remains in the Panama or elsewhere that suits you. And let's make him son of a son, so that enjoy the honors and preeminences that the other sons and daughters can and should enjoy in all the Indies, Islands and Mainland the Ocean Sea.


9. Further, we command that the deeds and lands and plots that you have in Tierra Firme, called Castilla del Oro, and you are given as if you have them and enjoy them and do what you want. will, and for the good of our own, according to what we have granted and granted to the vezinos of the said Tierra Firme. And as far as the Indians are concerned and the naborias that you have and are entrusted to you, it is our will and will and We command that you have them and enjoy and serve them, and that they are not taken away or taken away. removed for as long as our will may be.


10. Again, we grant to those who go to populate the said land, which in the first six years following the day from the datta from this onwards, that from the gold that is collected in the mines we pay tithing; and having completed the said six years they pay the ninth, and thus, descending in each year, until reaching the fifth. But of gold and other things that they are rescued or ridden or in any other way, of course they have to pay us a fifth of all this.


11. Others, to open ourselves to the vezinos of the said land for the said six years, and more, that this be ours will, of almoxarifadgo of all that they bring for the provision and provision of their houses, provided that it is not to be sold. And of what sell themselves, and any other merchants and traders, as well as We crossed them for only two years.


12. Iten, we promise that for the term of ten years, and later, until we command anything else to the contrary, We will not provide the vezinos of the said lands alcavalas or any other tribute some.


13. Iten, we grant to the said vezinos and settlers, that they be given by you the plots and lands convenient to their persons, according to what has been dated and phased on the island of Hispaniola. And likewise we will give power so that, in our name, during the time of your governorship, you make the encomienda of the Indians of the said land, keeping in it the Instructions and Hordenanças that will be given to you.


14. Iten, at your request, let us make our chief pilot of the South Sea to Bartolomé Ruiz...


15. Others, we are happy and we like it that you, the said Captain Piçarro, as much as our worship and will may be, have the government and administration of the Indians of our island of Flores, which is near Panama, and enjoy, for you and for whom you of all the uses that he may have in the said Island, as well as lands as of plots and mountains and trees and miners and pearl fisheries, provided that you are obliged by reason of it to give to us and to ours of Castilla del Oro, in each year of which our will that you have it, two hundred thousand maravedís, and more than the fifth of all the gold and pearls that in any way and by any person may be extracted in the said island of Flores, without any damage, so long as the said Indians of the said island of Flores you may not employ them in the pearl fishery nor in the mines of gold or in other metals, but in the other grangerías and use of the said land, for the provision and maintenance of the said your navy, and of those that you will be making for the said land. And we allow that if you, the said Francisco Piçarro, arrived in Castile from Oro, within two months, declare yourselves to our saying governor and judge of residence who is there, whom you do not want to entrust of the said island of Flores, that in such a case you will not be tenuous and obliged to to pay by reason of it the said twelve thousand maravedís, and that he remains to We have the said island, as we have it now.


16. Iten, taking into account how much it has been served in the said voyage and discovery Bartolomé Ruiz e Cristóval de Peralta e Pedro de Candía and Domingo de Safaluce e Niculás de Rivera e Francisco de Qüellar e Alonso de Molina e Pedro Halcón e García de Gerez e Antón de Carrión and Alonso Brizeño and Martín de Paz and Juan de la Torre, and because you give it to me You begged and asked for mercy, it is our mercy and will of the Fazer mercy, as we hereby do to those who are not noblemen, that they are notorious noblemen of known land in those parts, and that in they and in all our Indies, islands and mainland of the Ocean Sea, enjoy the preeminences and liberties and other things that they enjoy and should be kept to the notorious fixed lands of known land of these our Kingdoms; and to those who of the aforesaid are noblemen, that they be horsemen of spurs gilded edges, first giving the information that is required in such a case.


17. Iten, you do the mercy of twenty and five mares and as many horses, of which We have on the island of Xamaica. And not having them when you ask for them, let us not be tenuous to the price of them, or anything else by reason of them.


18. Otrosi, vos fazemos merce[d] de thirteen hundred maravedís, paid in Castilla del Oro, for artillery and ammunition that you are about to carry to the said province of Peru, carrying the fee of the our officials of the House of Seville of the things you thus bought and of what it cost you, counting the interest and exchange of it; And more, you will be at the mercy of other two hundred ducats, paid in Castilla del Oro, to help the cart of the said artillery and ammunition and other things of yours, from the Name of God to the said South Sea.


19. Others, we will give you leave, as if by the present we give it, so that from these our Kingdoms or from the Kingdom of Portugal and the Cape Verde Islands, or from whence thou or whomever thy power may have If you want to be able to pass and pass to the said land of your government fifty black slaves, in which at least a third of the females, free of all rights to Us belonging to Us, provided that if the all or part thereof, in the islands of Hispaniola, San Juan, and Cuba and Santiago, or in Castilla del Oro, or elsewhere those who have been in the same place. And we hereby apply them, to our Chamber and Treasury.


20. Others, that we will give mercy and alms to the hospital that is made in the said land, to help remedy the poor that they went to her, of a hundred thousand maravedís, freed in the pains of the Chamber of the said land.


21. Ansimism, of your petition and consent of the first settlers of the said land, we say that Let us do mercy, as we hereby do, to the spirits of the blessed land, of the rights of the brush and tailings that it ovies in the foundries that they are made in it, and from it we will order our Provision to be given in form.


22. Further, we say that we will command, and by we hereby command that they may come and reside in the city of Panama, or where for you a carpenter and a caulk, and each of them shall have salary thirty thousand maravedis in each year, from the time they begin to reside in the said city or where, as it is said, you will send him. The ones who We will order payment for our officers of the said land of your government, as much as our worship and will may be.


23. Iten, that you will order our Provision in form so that on the said coast of the South Sea you can take any vessels that you need, with the consent of their owners, for the voyages that you make to the said land, paying the owners of such vessels the freight that is just, not being that other persons have them chartered for other parts.


24. Likewise, that we will command, and by the we hereby command and defend, that from these our Kingdoms they shall not go or pass into the the said lands no persons of the projects who cannot pass to those parts, under the penalties contained in the Laws and Ordinances and Charters our that I am close to this for Us and for the Catholic Monarchs are given, nor lawyers or solicitors to use their offices.


25. Which all that is said is, and every thing and part of it, we grant, with so much that you, the said Captain Piçarro, be held and obliged to leave these our kingdoms, with the ships and equipment and maintenance and other things that may be necessary for the said voyage The population, with two hundred and fifty honors: the one hundred and fifty of these Kingdoms, and the remaining hundreds you can take from the Islands and the mainland of the Ocean Sea; so long as the said Tierra Firme called Castilla del Oro does not you take out more than twenty ones, if they are not of those who in the first or second voyage that you made to the said land of Peru met with you, because at We give them permission to go with you freely. What you have to do From the day of the datta this day, it is the first six months following. And arriving at the said Castilla del Oro and passing through to Panama, you are tenuous of to continue the said voyage and to make the said discovery and population within another six months later.


26. Iten, provided that when leave these our Kingdoms and arrive in the said province of Peru you want to take and have with you the officers of our feat who for us are and are appointed, and so are religious or ecclesiastical persons which by Us shall be appointed for the instruction of the Indians and natives of that province to our holy Catholic faith, with whose opinion, and you and they, see the conquest, discovery and population of the blessed earth. To whom religious you are to give and pay the freight and matalotage and the other necessary maintenance, according to their persons, and all to your coast, without taking anything with them during the whole of the said navigation; the which much we charge you to do and comply with this, as a matter of service to God and ours, because otherwise we will fear each other for being unserved.


     27. Otrosí, con condición que en la dicha pacificación, conquista e población e tratamiento de los dichos indios en su personas e bienes, seais tenudos e obligados de guardar, en todo y por todo, lo contenido en las Hordenanças e Instruciones que para esto tenemos fechas, e se hizieren, e vos serán dadas en la nuestra Carta y Provisión que vos mandaremos dar para la encomienda de los dichos indios.


     28. Y cumpliendo vos, el dicho capitán Francisco Piçarro, lo contenido en este asiento en todo lo que a vos toca e incumbe de guardar e cunplir, prometemos e vos aseguramos por nuestra palabra Real, que agora e de aquí adelante vos mandaremos guardar, y vos será guardado, todo lo que así vos concedemos e fazemos merced a vos e a los pobladores y tratantes en la dicha tierra. E para execución y cumplimiento dello vos mandaremos dar nuestras Cartas y Provisiones particulares que convengan e menester sean, obligandoos vos, el dicho capitán Piçarro, primeramente, ante escribano público, de guardar y cumplir lo contenido en este asiento que a vos toca, como dicho es. Fecha en Toledo a veinte e seis de jullio de mil e quinientos e veinte nueve años. Yo la Reyna. Refrendada de Juan Vázquez. Señalada del Conde y del doctor Beltrán.

Carta de obligación del conquistador (17 agosto 1529):

     Sepan quantos esta carta de obligación vieren, cómo yo, el capitán Francisco Piçarro, digo: Que por quanto su Magestad mandó tomar, y se tomó comigo, cierto asiento y capitulación sobre la conquista e población de las tierras y provincias del Perú y cibdad de Túmbez, que son en la mar del Sur, su tenor del qual dicho asiento y capitulación es este que se sigue:... [se reproduce el texto anterior]...


Therefore, by this present letter I, the said Captain Francisco Piçarro, I grant and know and bind myself, by my person and movable and real estate assets to be kept and to be preserved, and that I will keep and I will comply, the said capitulation and entry that is disused is incorporated, all that that touches and incuns me, in all and for all, according to and as it is contained in it, and that I will not go or see against it, or against part of it, now or in any other way. nor by any means, under the obligation that I make of the said person my person and goods, and in addition, to pay four thousand gold ducats and a fair price for the Chamber and Treasury of His Majesty. Para lo qual ansí thener e guardar e cunplir, I oblige the said person and movable and real estate to the courts, so that if they make me thener, maintain and comply, well ansi e a so conplidamente as if by a definitive sentence I had taken it from my petition and consent, and I renounce all and any laws that in my favor may be, special law and law in which it says, that general recognition of laws that let them be and do, don't be worth.


Which was dated and granted in the city of Toledo on the seventeenth day of the month of August, one thousand five hundred and twenty nine years. Witnesses who were present at what is said is: the Licentiate Corral and Rodrigo de Maçuelas and Diego de Castresán, shelves at court. And I point it out [Pizarro] from a sign of his customary, because he does not know how to sign [there is two signs].

This is what which appears in the documents of Spain and under which the conquest. So in the year 1529 the lie of an Empire is being created. The ambition of Pizarro, the ambition of the priest Hernando de Luque who represents the pope. The need of King Charles and Queen Isabella of Portugal create an invented kingdom. It is precisely for this reason that Francisco Pizarro gives the order that no matter what tribe is found, they are called Inca. Is because the letter and the order of the queen for Pizarro to be the governor of Peru that this great empire invents. The test that Cristóbal can immediately feel Vaca de Castro is that there is no such kingdom, there is no such empire. That which Vaca de Castro is tribes with different languages, different customs in such a huge and vast region that what he needs to do is execute the Pizarros and that is precisely what he does by establishing courts of justice and initiate a process of creating regions that are independent of the invented fantasy of an invented Empire of the Tahuantinsuyo. That is why it is he created the Royal Audience of Quito.

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