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domingo, 11 de agosto de 2024

Tiwanaco and Puma Punku

By Germanico Vaca

The answers to a great riddle and great mistery has been answered in the Sumerian tablets. The whole truth is exposed to the world. 

Who built Puma Punku and Tiwanaco? 

The answer is Ninurta. The first son of Enlil.

Who gave the order? Enlil.  

Who came first to the several continents of America? The first to come was sent here as an exiled of Eden. Kain and his sister wife Awan.

How it was later repopulated? We find the answers in the Sumerian text and everything makes sense.

Here is the text of what happened after the universal flood. What is in parenthesis is my explanation of facts. The Sumerian tablets tell us what happened after the Universal flood and it says: 

At that time Ninurta, (first son of Enlil and first Anunnaki to be born in planet Earth) his tasks in the mountains of cedars completed,(Anatolia mountains, Nemrod) To the mountain land beyond the oceans (South America) once again journeyed (The first time Ninurta took Kain and Awan to be exciled from Eden). From that land, on the other side of Earth,(Homer called it the opposite continent)  astounding words he delivered: 

The avalanche of waters deep cuts into the mountainsides there tore, From the mountainsides encounter gold, in nuggets large and small, To the rivers below fell down, without mining can the gold be hauled! 

Enlil and Enki to the distant mountain land hurried, with amazement they the discovery viewed: Gold, pure gold, refining and smelting not requiring, all about was lying! 

A miracle it is! So was Enki to Enlil saying. What by Nibiru was wrought, by Nibiru was amended! The unseen hand of the Creator of All it is life on Nibiru to enable! So did Enlil say. 

Now who could collect the nuggets, how to Nibiru they will be sent? the leaders each other asked. 

Of the first question, Ninurta had the answer: In the high mountain land on this side of Earth,(Chimborazo highest mountain, Cotopax, highest active volcanoi, Cayambe highest elevation in the equator all mountains  in Ecuador are some of the highest mountains in the Andes mountains, precisely of the largest gold mines in the world have always run there)  some Earthlings have survived! Descendants of Ka-in they are, with the handling of metals they are knowing; Four brothers and four sisters are their leaders, (it coincides exactly how many of the tribes described the beginning of their tribes and why they practiced interfamily marriages) on rafts they themselves saved, Now their mountaintop in the midst of a great lake is an island. (lake Titicaca, Kain’s mother was named Titi and Kain’s father was named Adapa) As the protector of their forefathers, they me recall, the Great Protector they call me! 

By the report that other Earthlings had survived, the leaders were heartened, Even Enlil, who the end of all flesh planned, was no longer angered. It is the will of the Creator of All! to each other they said. 

Now let us a new Place for Celestial Chariots establish, therefrom the gold to Nibiru send! (Hence the existence of Nazca Valley and all the massive figures all over the mountains of South America) For a new plain whose soil has dried and hardened they searched, In the proximity of the Landing Place, in a desolate peninsula, such a plain they found. (Tiwanaco and Puma Punku are precisely that) 

Flat as a quiet lake it was, by white mountains it was surrounded. (everybody knows about the salts of Bolivia) 

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