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sábado, 24 de agosto de 2024

The Sionist came to America


By GP Vaca

Most people do not even imagine why the conquest of the continent was started. Most people think it was an expedition financed by Queen Isabella of Spain. The reasons are much more obscure. Pope Innocent VIII (Giovanni Cybo) had just died in 1492, he belonged to one of the richest families in the world and was also a Templar. In English, his family is known as the "Collins" family, back deck the pope was depraved and was often taking the blood of children and being suckled by the breasts of commoners hired by Rodrigo Borgia, who supposedly wanted to make sure that the pope did not leave him debts. Innocent was a converted Christian, but was a Jewish Khazar, his mother was a Muslim, born in Genoa, and it was part of the family Cybo/ Collins, as Pope Innocent initiated the Inquisition, in addition to asking the Kings of Spain to unify the three military orders of the Templars: Calatrava, Santiago, and Alcántara; He was trying to consolidate the Templars under his command while other templar orders were being consolidated under the Orsini's rule. Pope Innocent also appointed Tomas de Torquemada as Inquisitor of Spain. While at the same time using his "holy place" to hide the Muslim Prince Zizim, but not out of the goodness of his heart. He had no problem taking the quota of 120,000 gold escudos (current value of 144,000,000 dollars) for providing refuge to the prince of the Califate. The Muslim prince Zizim was later taken to Rhodes, the capital of the Templars. Showing without a doubt that he worked together with the Templars and all the Templar military orders. It is something that has never even been investigated, but we are talking about the real investors of Christopher Columbus' voyage was financed by none other than the Templars and Pope Innocent himself.

It is precisely Pope Innocent who financed and organized the voyage to the "New World" and the reason why Columbus was chosen. The Genoese Khazar, Christopher Columbus was the Pope's illegitimate son. The evidence of this is written on his tombstone reads "Novi orbis suo aevo inventi gloria". Which means, "His is the glory of the discovery of the New World". Written on his tombstone after his death and installed just eight days before Columbus sailed from Spain. Not only did they know their destiny very clearly, but they knew that they would dominate those territories. Columbus leaves no doubt about this event by calling the island he discovered with the real surname of Pope Innocent "Cybo" which means cube and that is how the island of Cuba was called.

The "Jewish" Genoese Christopher Columbus departed from the port of Palos with three caravels carrying the Templar cross on their poles, because Christopher Columbus himself was a member of the order of the Templar's military mission of Christ. The History books say that his journey was to seek a new route to India. They don't say Japan, China, or Russia to extend along 5995 kilometers to the east of India, and therefore they would be found before reaching India. Columbus' voyage was supposedly done without the knowledge of the existence of a large continent but that is debatable. Columbus was under the assumption that the Earth was a Planisphere, meaning a disk inside a spherical dome.  Columbus was trained in Portugal with the same people who became the greatest navigators such as Ferdinand de Magallanes and Pedro Fernandez de Quiroz and therefore the knowledge of the extension of land far beyond India. Also, King Henry of Portugal had access to maps by the Phoenicians. 

Why then the lie that they were searching for a new route to India?

The reality is that many people in antiquity knew of the existence of a very large continent. Sumerian, Accadian, and Assyrian tablets as well as Phoenicians made clear references to a continent they called "Mountainland" It cannot be any other than the three Americas as the Andes Mountains run from the tip of Chile to the tip of Alaska. In Europe there was knowledge of the existence of a continent, certainly, the Greeks knew it. After all, Homer makes several references in one of the voyages of Odysseus to the "Opposite continent". In a Planisphere map, the three Americas certainly look like the Opposite continent. There is no doubt that the Sumerians and the Phoenicians knew this also because Sumerian, Accadian, and Assyrian tablets make several references. For example, when they mention that 
"The Seven ruled  “to a mountainland of wandering for his evil deed Ka‑in must depart.  Ka‑in and his generations shall  distinguished be.’  By Ningishzidda was the life essence [genes] of Ka‑in altered: his face a beard could not grow.”  The beardless native tribes of America descended from Ka-in.  [ZS, 201]   “With his sister Awan as spouse Ka‑in from the Edin departed.”  They wandered in the wilderness to the east.  [ZS, Enki: 186 ‑ 187; 1990. Kain was exiled to the Mountainland beyond the sea".  Later when Adapa, the father of Kain is about to die he asks for his son Kain to be summoned, and so "Ninurta went searching for Kain in the land of the great mountains beyond the sea". Again, after the war between Marduck and Ninurta. Marduck was exiled to the "Mountainland of the great boulders" which cannot be but Utah or Arizona. then later when they make reference to Marduck having visited his brother Ninhishzidda/ Thot in Egypt decided to marry a human servant, his son Naby create later a civilization in the Peninsula" It cannot be other than the Olmecs in the Yucatan peninsula.  After the flood Ninurta reports to have found survivors near Lake Titicaca. incidentally, Kain's mother was named Titi. For several centuries all nations, kingdoms, and empires had suffered the invasion of the Mongols and then the Huns (434-453 Attila of Hun), Alexander the Great himself (356-323 BC) conquered India, moreover, Jesus Christ Himself said to have been educated with Joseph of Arimathea for a time in India and another time in England. Thus, it cannot be true that the kings and queens of all of Europe could not give credibility if someone claimed to be looking for a way to India.

Then they tell us that on 12 October 1492, Columbus and his companions arrived at a place they didn't know had been discovered. But even that statement that has been repeated to us so much in history is a lie. Martellus's map was disseminated in Europe in 1490. It sounds impossible that Christopher Columbus was not aware of this map while he studied in the first naval academy of Europe, and because of his relationship with Pope Innocent VIII, his relationship as a Templar of Christ with King Henry of Portugal, and much more, when he was so well connected to the Templars of Portugal and Rhodes. The map clearly shows Japan, then called Cipango. Not to mention that Columbus by his signature, his will, and his seal had a specific mission to fulfill as we will see later. In addition, having lived in the Canary Islands, there is no doubt that he had seen the map of the Phoenicians where the American continent was already clearly located.

Likewise, history books repeatedly inform us that Christopher Columbus came from a Genoese family and that his expedition was “sponsored” by the Queen of Spain. All of this is a lie. The documents existing in the Vatican show that it was not Queen Isabella of Castile who financed the expedition, it was none other than Pope Innocent VIII through the Templars, to whom he gave the necessary gold to appear as if they had financed the trip, faithfully documented since Columbus reported in secret, in several letters that are known today. Before the expulsion of the “Jews” from Spain in 1492, decreed by the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, more than 10% of the Spanish population practiced the “Jewish” religion. The same that by then had been “kidnapped” by the Ashkenazi Zionist Kazarians who today are the majority of the acclaimed “Jews.” But the real Jews are Semites. The Khazarians are not. This cannot go unnoticed and, incredibly, everyone has ignored it. The meaning is the following: The Inquisition ordered by Innocent VIII, who had Kazar Zionist Jewish blood and was connected with the Templars, had the firm purpose of “incentivizing” or pushing and motivating all those “Khazarian-Zionist Jews” to emigrate to the New World. Nothing different from centuries later when Rhodes (diamond magnate) together with the Rothschilds wanted the Jews to emigrate to Palestine and now the Israelites already have the plan to make their citizens emigrate to Ukraine. That was the purpose of the Inquisition, and that is why Christopher Columbus’ mission was financed by Pope Innocent. That is why he named Tomas de Torquemada as Inquisitor. The goal was to establish a Kingdom or great nation ruled by the Templars without the restrictions of the European kings. That is why eventually the United States capital was the District of "Columbus" or the District of Columbia. In South America, they tried to form the great nation of "La Gran Colombia" to this day Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador share the same flag. Incredibly, it is a repetition of the Jewish exodus with Moses, which in turn is nothing more than the same account of Sargon many centuries before, and dates back at least to the time of Amenhotep II, (root of amen) at least in the 14th century BC where the Hurrians (Israelites) are mentioned as a tribe of nomadic bandits, thieves. Centuries later the exodus is repeated, although today it has been proven that Moses' Jews crossed into Saudi Arabia and were in Mecca and had nothing to do with the lands of Palestine. Thanks to the Inquisition of 1492 the exodus is repeated and later it would be repeated even with the German Nazis. The Semitic Jews are the greatest victims of these Jewish Zionist Khazarians. The actions of Innocent VIII and the Templars had a firm purpose of making the Jews emigrate to the "new promised land." At the same time, the Church is used by “European kings and nations” to rid themselves of all traces of other religions, but in reality, they want to get rid of the “Zionist Jewish Khazarians” descendants of the Gogs whom they call “Marranos” – we will later analyze the real meaning of this. Once the Inquisition was established, every “human” who was not Catholic had three options: Convert to Catholicism by adopting a Christian name; leave the country leaving all his property; die by burning, torture and all his belongings passed to the Church or to the king.

A new exodus of over a hundred thousand Jews then emigrated to Portugal. Faced with this situation, Columbus, according to the history books say that he came from "a wealthy Jewish family from Genoa" (Italy), and who converted to Catholicism. But without a doubt, the genetics do not lie and the resemblance of Columbus to Cybo is striking. Then Columbus enlisted as a Templar and there are the letters that he reported from his discoveries to the Templars. After all, he could no longer report to his father because he had died.

History again does not say that "influential Christianized Jews" pleaded before the Kings to give Columbus the blessing to set sail from the port of Palos de Moguer on 3 August 1492. But those who ruled the world at that time were already none other than the Jewish Templar Khazarians from Rhodes and it is hard to believe that the Kings could refuse the Pope's request that Thomas had been appointed Torquemada and the different orders of Templars together in Spain.

To understand the journey to America and the mission of Columbus, the true situation of the Templars. After amassing so much power and wealth it surpassed any wealth of the Kings. The Templars had by then created the precursor of the banking system and most of the European kings, fiefs, and nations were indebted to them. By 1307 they lost their leader Jack Bernard de Moley burned by Pope Clement V and the King of France Philip VI. Its great riches were on the island of Rhodes, and the Templars were scattered by Europe and secretly continued to manage the financial and banking system that they had created, this economic power was exercised by seizing each time a little more of the spheres of political power, using marriage to families infiltrating religion by creating their own secular orders, and their sects (Jesuits), as advisors to kings. It's well documented historically that those who advised the kings "were generally the Jewish Zionists." His power from the shadow actually controlled the decisions of Europe. So since then, it was an open secret that who controlled Ultramar, "through the sea," means the states created and maintained by the Templars and their descendants between 1098, from the First Crusade, and 1489, when Cyprus passed to Venice. The triumph of The Templars is precisely because they fulfilled the goals and objectives of the Templars. which was:

(1) To recover and control several states lost to Islam.
(2) Taking possession of the states of Romania that had wealth.
(3) To take the lands of the Teutons and the Baltic.

The Crusader Kingdoms Were Nothing less than the extension of the Zionist Khazarians to expand their control over Everybody. Europe was not enough for them. America was the new frontier to conquer and did so with the gold coins of Zizim, they encouraged an exodus of Christianized Zionist Khazarians to undertake the journey using the Inquisition. The evidence is so great and yet it was so well covered up despite having done so practically in full view of the whole world. For this reason, the truth is that most people will refuse to believe. Even though they couldn't have arrived with a greater announcement that it was a Templar mission, since on the caravels they bore the insignia of the manipulation of the church had been completed, pope Innocent VIII was one of them, the conquest of a new continent had been when it had begun, America had become the "promised land."

Columbus received his education at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal, where he studied several studies in cartography, mathematics, and astronomy. He shared with the wise Toscanelli the idea that the earth was a Planisphere, so if you went navigated around the disk planisphere you would reach the same place going west or east, eventually, you would come around, and therefore it was feasible to reach the East by traveling to the west. Before the Christian era, the Jews had some notion of the roundness of the earth. For this reason, Yom Kippur, the New Year, Jewish, they celebrated it for 2 days instead of one. They knew that while on one side of the earth, it was day, on the other side it was night. Curiously, on the day of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, corresponds in the Jewish calendar, that now it is in the year 5772, on the 9th of Av, the day of the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem by the Romans.

Most of the 120 sailors who were part of Columbus' expedition, were of Jewish origin. They were fleeing from the persecutions of the Inquisition and sought other lands where they could exercise freely their religion. Of course, to keep up appearances and conquest had to be kept in the shadows. In the annotations on the landing on the island of Guanahaní, which Columbus baptized as San Salvador, it is read that Columbus spoke to its inhabitants in Hebrew, thinking that he had found one of the lost tribes of Israel. Clear demonstration that Columbus was not only absolutely Jewish, but that he spoke Hebrew perfectly. Curiously, this is repeated throughout the continent, several legends tell us that it happened a lot of times when "Other conquistadors spoke Hebrew to the natives to see if they knew that language.

Colombus always hid the date of his birth and his childhood, precisely to hide the fact that his father was the pope. In the existing letters he sent to the kings of Spain mentioned "King David and the expulsion of the Jews", matters that had no relation to his discovery, but that somehow, He couldn't hold back from telling the world that he was Jewish. In the letters that he sent his son, there were always the Hebrew words "beth hei" which in Hebrew means "with God's help."

The discovery of the new world encouraged many crypto Jews to immigrate to it. In the Hebrew cemetery of Curaçao, the oldest in America, are read on numerous tombs named Castilian belonging to Jewish families. According to a recent study, more than 300 surnames in Spanish are descendants of "Jewish" families Spanish and Portuguese" converted to Christianity.

Perhaps one of the largest lies of history is the constant falsehood that the ancient world did not have knowledge of the so-called New World. The very account of the Plate describing the Atlantis gives us a perfect description of the American continent and clearly, he speaks of Atlantis in what today comprises Cuba and the entire Caribbean. The world is blind and does not think when everything is before their eyes and I am going to show them.
Where are the Atlas Mountains? (Cordillera de Atlantida)
Where is the Atlantic Ocean? (Ocean of Atlantis)
Why do you wonder if it was true that Atlantis existed?
If they know perfectly well where it is

To this must be added the stones found in Ecuador where they contain the world map but this dates back to of 14,000 years.

Here is a description of Plato: "The island was larger than Libya and Asia combined, (see the world map of the stones of Ecuador) and it was the way to other islands, and from these, the whole of the opposite continent that surrounded the true ocean may faint; (which is clearer description can be from America?) For this sea, which is located within the Straits of Heracles is only a port, which has a narrow entrance, but that another is a real sea, and the surrounding land may in all truth be called a continent without limits. (Again, describes the whole American continent. Now on this island of the Atlantis, there was a great and wonderful empire that had dominion over all of Atlantis. island and several others, and other parts of the continent, (all the stories of the Hoppi tribe and the Maya) claim to be descendants of those who inhabited the great island) and, on the other hand, the men of Atlantis had subdued the regions of Libya."

A diagram of Maps of the Phoenicians found in the remains of ships of concern again shows that they knew about America. By the year 1505, a Turkish cartographer published his world map based on Egyptian, Celtic, and Portuguese maps from the fourth century. Today it is known as the Pirireis Map.

The return of Christopher Columbus tells us that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella hastened to give the good news to the new pope "Alexander VI" who was none other than Rodrigo Borgia. The Pope launched great celebrations in Rome exclaiming: "Go into all the world to preach the Gospel", With this command the exodus of Cain who would continue to walk all over the land as a wandering Jew.

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